You are on the path to support. To link information across data submissions be sure to give the same email address on all forms.
To move your Application forward you must accomplish these steps:
1. Confirm that you RESIDE in California or STOP HERE
The care we provide is governed by legal boundaries and we may only serve California Residents. If you need support in other states please visit our RESOURCE page.
2. Watch these videos to make sure you are ready to try Somatic Therapy
3. Fill out a Group Intake Survey - approximately 5 minutes
4. Fill out an Income Questionnaire - approximately 3 minutes
5. Confirm you understand Consent Forms - approximately 10 minutes
Once all tasks are accomplished, please complete the below items and SUBMIT... which will result in the 3rd and final step in this INTAKE process ~ an appointment to have a real conversation with a Healing Justice partner.
INTAKE STEP 2 was submitted!