Meisha Thrasher, MA
Legal Name: Mechelle Shalain Thrasher
Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #129045
Supervised by
I am a Mindfulness and Trauma Resilience trainer who believes success and happiness result from a balanced mindset. Being stuck in unhealthy patterns, failing to accomplish the change we desire, or sustaining the nurturing relationships we deserve are all issues we expect to resolve on our own, but when we can't we feel defeated. Therapy is support that helps unearth our own best solutions while increasing skills and practices that grow fulfillment.
For couples, families, and individuals I deliver collaboration that cultivates insight, develops empowering outlooks, and increases relational harmony. I have the mindset, disposition, and skill required to motivate clients toward the results they deserve. I help clients overcome limiting beliefs, resolve obstacles that derail their success, and elevate their inner strength, joy, and wellbeing. I coach from a firm embrace of ethical boundaries for conscious coupling and I am happy to support premarital and polyamorous agreements.
I am a founding partner of growURpotential - we are a nonprofit agency. We provide therapy that supports liberation, from a Healing Justice perspective. We passionately advocate for NBPOC & LGBTQIA+ commUNITIES and we support vulnerable clients with respect for dignity. I am an activist member of the QTNBPOC community and a Restorative Justice collaborator.
Meisha holds a Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and is a Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist with the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. The services provided by Meisha are supervised by Our Clinical Team.
We are a nonprofit community counseling agency, committed to expanding access to supportive services. With compassion, collaboration, and respect we provide affordable mental health care including programs that strengthen adults, youth, families, and communities.
We believe mental health care is a right, not a privilege. By providing affordable mental health services and effective community programs we increase access and utilization of supportive services that contribute to improved adult, youth, and family functioning. We are certain this will lead to fortified communities in Los Angeles.
We are sincerely grateful to Our Board Members for their support and invaluable guidance.