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Mindfulness Research


Mindfulness has a rich history in the United States, nearly 40 years long. Research has consistently demonstrated the benefits of mindful practices across healthcare, mental health care, education, and now Human Resource Management. The above timeline highlights important achievements in this progression.


Since 2008 there has been a surge in NIH-funded research related to mindfulness. A meta-analytic review by Sawyer, Witt and Oh in 2010 found that mindfulness-based therapies had a dramatic effect on improving the symptoms of depression and anxiety, ultimately regulating mood.


"Mindfulness Based Programs Implemented with At-Risk Adolescents" by Rawlett & Scrandis (2016) was published by The Open Nursing Journal and provides an analysis of the 11 existing studies published on the topic thus far.   


The University of California at Berkeley manages a robust list of research related to MINDFULNESS & STUDENTS
and MINDFULNESS & TEACHERS, click HERE to view the PDF. 


Below are our favored articles:


Sanger, K. L., & Dorjee, D. (2015). Mindfulness training for adolescents: A neurodevelopmental perspective on investigating modifications in attention and emotion regulation using event-related brain potentials. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 15(3), 696–711. 


Vickery, C. E., & Dorjee, D. (2015). Mindfulness Training in Primary Schools Decreases Negative Affect and Increases Meta-Cognition in Children. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 2025.


Perry-Parrish, C., Copeland-Linder, N., Webb, L., Shields, A. H., & Sibinga, E. M. (2016). Improving self-regulation in adolescents: current evidence for the role of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 7, 101–108.


Roemer, L., Williston, S. K., & Rollins, L. G. (2015). Mindfulness and emotion regulation. Current Opinion in Psychology, 3, 52–57.


Keng, S.-L., Smoski, M. J., & Robins, C. J. (2011). Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health: A Review of Empirical Studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 31(6).


Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Oberle, E., Lawlor, M. S., Abbott, D., Thomson, K., Oberlander, T. F., & Diamond, A. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and social–emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 52-66. 


Raes, F., Griffith, J. W., Van der Gucht, K., & Williams, J. M. G. (2014). School-­based prevention and reduction of depression in adolescents: A cluster-­randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness group program. Mindfulness, 5(5), 477–486.


Baijal, S., Jha, A. P., Kiyonaga, A., Singh, R., & Srinivasan, N. (2011). The influence of concentrative meditation training on the development of attention networks during early adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 1-9.


Birnie, K., Speca, M., & Carlson, L. E. (2010). Exploring self-­compassion and empathy in the context of mindfulness-­based stress reduction (MBSR). Stress and Health, 26(5), 359–371.


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